This Tarot dictionary will always be a work in progress, defining new and old terms so understanding Tarot becomes a snap. Let me know if there's something that has you stumped, either my current definition or a term that isn't here yet! Understanding Tarot terms is a key to learning new Tarot spreads.
Knowledge that is generally hidden away from general scrutiny and meant to be shared by a select few. While the origins of the Tarot remain obscure, there are some theories that they contain secret teachings. In historical times when it was dangerous to believe anything other than the teachings of the Church, it may have been a safe way to pass this knowledge to others.
Major Arcana
Literal translation: Big secrets. A somewhat esoteric term used to describe the Trump cards in the Tarot deck. 22 cards rich in symbolism and imagery and arguably with powerful messages.
Minor Arcana
Literal translation: Little secrets. A fairly esoteric term (sorry for the redundancy) used to describe the Suit cards in the Tarot deck. 56 cards divided into 4 suits - Cups, Wands, Swords and Coins - of 14 cards. Also known as Pips or Illustrated Pips/
Short answer: the questioner. The person asking the question in the reading. Many times when you start learning Tarot, the querent will be the reader: YOU! Many, many Tarot books still refer to the questioner as the querent. Use whichever you feel comfortable with. I lean towards querent but that's just the term I learnt with.
In more thorough readings, there is usually a card in the reading that is there to represent the querent. That card is the significator. A significator can be really useful in helping the querent 'see' the influences around them. significator can be chosen from the deck in a variety of methods depending on the type of question, age and gender of the querent, even the zodiac sign. More on this later!
September 2024 Contest!
Discover Tarot Cards will be giving away a tarot card bag.
Pick your fav design and store your cards in style! The contest ends on September 30th, 2024
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