The Magician Tarot Card

With the Magician tarot card, you've entered a period in life where you have the power to get new information, polish new skills, and in the process, change your life.

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The Magician is strongly connected to the idea of alchemy and transformation. As the Magician, you can now make your life over in any direction you like.

The Magician tells you that you now have the power. Now what are you going to do with it?

The Magician knows that successful changes require a little skill mixed with a lot of tenacity. The perspiration is always more important than inspiration. Get ready to sweat!

If you'd like to use The Magician for a little introspection, ask yourself:

1. What new skill or hobby have you always wanted to learn? This could be something creative like pottery or the piano or more career focused like book-keeping or web programming?

2. What are the biggest obstacles keeping you from learning right now? If you feel that lack of time is the greatest problem, ask yourself if you could find 15 minutes in your day to learn?

3. If these obstacles feel overwhelming or impossible to overcome, as the Magician how could you use your skills to transform this situation?

The Magician is a reminder of what you already know but also talks about learning being a life-long process.

No matter how old or young we are, we will always be students - if we pay attention.

Knowledge is power, true.

But hard work is likely the most essential ingredient for personal change. Let's get busy creating what we want!

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