The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower tarot card is a beacon of radical change.

There are times in life where we need to make decisions or changes. Often, because these choices are viewed as life-altering, we avoid them like the plague.

We have time to make up our minds and choose our course of action. If we keep waffling or trying to maintain something that is no longer relevant to our present, that's when The Tower's influence will flex some muscle.

If you'd like a more complete definition for The Tower tarot card or to see the meaning of each tarot card, visit the Tarot Card Meanings section.

The Tower tarot card is not one of the most popular in the Major Arcana. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

Where the Death tarot card indicates change that feels like a natural transition, The Tower's change is more like a kick in the face. the tower tarot card, tarot card meanings, meaning of each tarot card, interpreting tarot cards The Tower is often connected to job loss, divorce and separation, friendships imploding, and other debilitating endings. Worse yet, many of these changes may seem to come out of nowhere.

It's hard enough adjusting to major life issues but the "surprise" component of The Tower's agenda makes it doubly hard.

That's the bad news. The good news won't make you feel much better if you've been affected by The Tower.

The (somewhat) good news = it was necessary change.

Remember what Miss L said about avoiding making decisions? The Death tarot card asks you nicely to mix things up. The Tower is what occurs when you choose to ignore Death's suggestion. Familiar things exit rapidly...

The job you hated.

The relationship that no longer worked for you.

The friendship that brought you down more than built you up.

The Tower usually casts away what you have already decided you no longer want.

The Tower asks:

  • What is one area of your life that requires you to make a decision that will provoke change?

  • Why are you resisting making this choice? What do you feel the consequences will be if you choose to do nothing?

  • When you move forward, making a decision, what new experiences or people would you like in your life? Looking at what you had, do you now know more about what you want?

Remember that the losses of The Tower creates space for new opportunities.

Allow time to balm the sting of change and know that what comes next will be a better fit.

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