How Do Tarot Cards Work?

For anyone who has ever had a great Tarot card reading, they usually wonder at some point how DO Tarot cards work.  Tarot cards have an aura of mystery about them that connects to basic  sense of curiosity and wonder. 

Even during a personal Tarot card reading, where you are the reader, you may be struck by a reading's accuracy and your sense of puzzlement deepens:  how did the Tarot cards do that?  Is it me or the Tarot cards?  How do Tarot cards work?

According to many skeptics, Tarot cards don't work at all.  Most people who have had an accurate Tarot card reading would disagree . Believers would argue that these skeptics haven't had a great Tarot card reading. Their sense of skepticism may taint their perspective and limit what good information they receive.  

As someone who has given and received a number of Tarot card readings from and for a variety of people, I know for myself that they work.  How?  Here are some options to consider...

How Do Tarot Cards Work?  Intuition!

How Do Tarot Cards Work? Synchronicity!

How Do Tarot Cards Work? Symbolism!

How Do Tarot Cards Work? Psychic Skills!

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April 2013 Contest!

Discover Tarot Cards will be giving away a new deck of the Shadowscapes Tarot.

Delicate but powerful, it's a beautiful deck for Spring.  The contest ends on April 30th, 2013

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