About Us

At Discover Tarot Cards, our goal is to share our knowledge of tarot cards and indirectly, to help you connect with your psychic abilities.  We offer tarot card meanings, reading instructions, tarot layouts and spreads to allow you to build a meaningful relationship with tarot cards.

My name is Miss L, and I have over twenty years experience reading tarot cards, for myself and for clients around the world.  I believe that the cards can be a powerful method to connect the conscious mind to an intuitive sense, as well as a reminder of universal archetypes that speak beyond time and culture. Tarot cards can't decide your future for you but they can show you potential paths and possible outcomes - who wouldn't want a sneak peak in life?

Discover Tarot Cards is about just that: learning about these little pieces of cardboard that are just juicy with wisdom.  In the process, you'll be amazed at what you can learn about yourself, as well as the people around you.  In life, you are lucky to find friends that tell you how it is, free from guile and agenda.  Tarot cards, when you listen to what they are saying, love to perform the same function.

So get reading!  Look under your bed for that deck you bought three years ago after the bad breakup, or dust off the cards that Aunt Sue gave you a few Christmases ago.

September 2024 Contest!

Discover Tarot Cards will be giving away a tarot card bag.

Pick your fav design and store your cards in style!  The contest ends on September 30th, 2024

Sign up below for your chance to win!

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