Ace of Cups

To have a greater understanding of the Ace of Cups, an overview of the suit and number is provided first.

Overview of the Cups -Tarot Card Meanings

Aliases: Chalices

Element: Water

Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Playing Card Suit: Hearts

Class: Artists and Visionaries

Rules: The Heart

The Cups focus on emotions and matters of the heart. 

Tarot card meanings for the Cups suit tend to guide emotional questions of almost any nature.

Connected to the element of Water, this suit rules the Zodiac Water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Cups suit, visit The Cups

The Cups is the Tarot suit long connected with any issues of emotion. 

Ruled by water, feelings can run high when this suit makes an appearance.

When looking at the meaning of each Tarot card in the Cups suit, make note of what other suits are present. 

If there are also a lot of Coins or Wands, this indicates what is actually happening. 

The presence of a number of Cups or Swords cards can suggest that this is more subjective, what the querent is feeling.

If you're just learning to read Tarot cards, use the position in the Tarot layout as well as the meanings to guide you. And never forget to listen to your gut instinct, even if it means the changing the official definition slightly.

Synopsis of the Aces

The beginning point of each suit in the Minor Arcana, the Aces are the start of every impulse of energy.

Every idea, every new initiative needs that essential spark.

Positive and brimming with promise, the Ace is the first warm zephyr heralding the winds of change. 

Upright:  The Ace of Cups is one of the tarot card meanings that just makes you anticipate the possibilities.  It brims over with ideas, feelings and lovely new ventures. 

Creative and intuitive periods are filled with imagination, artistic impulses and the birth of new ideas (or even a child). 

Nurturing and essential for development, this tarot card creates a perfect environment for mutual passion and loving relationships.                                         

Reversed:  When the Ace of Cups is reversed, it represents a time of emotional drain and chaos. From the limitless possibility that was, this tarot card meaning now feels like a burden more than a joy. 

It may refer to one-sided or exhausting relationships that demand more emotional effort than they return.  

Creative ideas and artistic projects seem to have dried up and a general feeling of being uninspired is present.  

Emotional demands seem constant, leaving you feeling empty and needing to withdraw.


Meaning of Each Tarot Card Keyword:  creative and emotional growth, love, passion, growth in relationships, birth 

  of new ideas or children, intuition, fruitfulness, emotionally drained, chaos, need to withdraw, imbalance in relationships, 

  need for replenishment, emotional exhaustion.

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