About Me:  Miss L

In Tarot circles, I'm known as Miss L, but you can call me Lucy.  I've been reading Tarot cards for a long, long time now, and have found them to be an incredible tool for self-discovery and exploration.

Tarot cards will not fix your life.  They don't have the power to make a bad relationship good, or make all your debts disappear.  What they can do is assist you in exploring a current situation, and give you some food for thought.  We all have the power to effect change in our lives.  Tarot cards can make some handy suggestions in terms of the hows, whys, and whens.

Modern Tarot cards are heavily influenced by Jungian psychology, and I dig looking at them through that lens.  There are archetypes and symbols that pop up here and there that can be powerful triggers for change.  I love discovering and exploring patterns and  often am surprised at the keen insight they provide.

I love to hear from people just learning Tarot cards as well as old pros; if you have a question, just ask.  And if you're looking for an awesome Tarot card reading, I also provide that service.

Big juicy blessings for all of you!

Miss L Return to Discover Tarot Cards homepage

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September 2024 Contest!

Discover Tarot Cards will be giving away a tarot card bag.

Pick your fav design and store your cards in style!  The contest ends on September 30th, 2024

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