Eight of Coins 

To gain a more complete understanding of the tarot card meaning of the Eight of Coins, an overview of the suit and number is provided first.

Overview of the Coins - Tarot Card Meanings

Aliases: Pentacles

Element: Earth

Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Playing Card Suit: Diamonds

Class: Merchants

Rules: The Physical Realm (Wealth)

The Coins controls issues in the physical world. It is a very practical suit so the meaning of each Tarot card may focus on family, money, health and home. Connected with the element of Earth, this suit rules the Zodiac Earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

If you want to see all of the Tarot card meanings of the Coins suit in one place, visit The Coins

The Coins is the Tarot suit most often connected with issues related to money and wealth. It's a material world, and the Coins wants to remind you that you are a material girl (or boy).

Practical and earthy, The Coins tarot card meanings can also influence physical issues beyond finances. 

Issues about work, particularly those relating to salary, promotions or benefits, will be affected by the clink of the Coins.

If it's related to security and sensuality (we're talking in the physical sense here) then you'll start to see the influence of the Coins.

When learning the meaning of each Tarot card in the Coins suit, remember that the other suits near to these cards, as well as the placement in the Tarot spread, will confirm, magnify, lessen, or alter their meaning.

Synopsis of the Eights - Tarot Card Meanings

meaning of each tarot card, tarot card meanings, tarot card explanation, Eight of Coins
meaning of each tarot card, tarot card meanings, tarot card explanation, Eight of Coins

With Eight, we begin to understand the fine balance needed for power and growth. 

The tarot card meanings connected to Eight focuses on the idea of karma, that whatever we reap, we sow. If we have been spending our time positively, we can expect wonderful rewards.

If we have been destructive, we also have to accept the consequences of this. With Eight, the meaning of each tarot card reminds us that we are progressing and not just randomly changing things.

Eight brings our destiny now that we are strong enough to work with it.

Upright Tarot Card Meaning:  New skills and expanding career horizons are all indicated by the Eight of Coins.

 This is a time where you have the opportunity to learn new things, apply previous knowledge and take some extra courses to add another feather to your cap.

This tarot card meaning doesn't really indicate starting something new but rather building upon previous skills. 

In terms of money, small savings and gifts should be carefully invested to increase your worth.

Reversed Tarot Card Meaning: Hard work without pleasure comes when the Eight of Coins is reversed. 

You may have outgrown your job or feel limited at work. There seems to be nothing new to learn and no where to grow.

When confronted with this tarot card meaning, try to reconnect to your real talents and consider starting your own business or exploring another line of work.

 Staying where you are is cheating no-one but yourself.

Keywords: new skills, apprenticeship, building on previous experience, education, expansion, small savings, financial management, limitations at work, lack of growth, no new potential, dishonesty in business, questionable ethics, moonlighting.    

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