Knight of Wands

To gain a more complete understanding of the Knight of Wands, an overview of the suit and symbols is provided first.

Overview of the Wands

Aliases: Sticks, Staves, Rods, Batons

Element: Fire

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Playing Card Suit: Clubs

Class:  Peasantry

Rules: The Spirit

The Wands rule the spirit, especially issues of creativity and energy.

By spirit, Miss L means that the meaning of each Tarot card in this suit may rule issues of a deep level, connected to drive, purpose or even faith.

Connected with the element of Fire, this suit rules the Zodiac Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Wands suit at once, go to the The Wands.

The Wands is the Tarot suit most often connected with issues related to creativity, spirituality and energy.

When you read these Tarot cards, keep in mind that their Tarot definition can change in meaning. Tarot cards will be interpreted differently according to the cards around them in a Tarot spread.

When learning the definition of Tarot cards, look at the cards individually and as part of the Tarot layout. If you're just learning to read Tarot cards, use the position in the Tarot layout as well as the meanings to guide you.

And never forget to listen to your gut instinct, even if it means the changing the official definition slightly.

Synopsis of the Knight

The Knight is an age-old archetype of the hero or heroine, a symbol of adventure, daring and skill.  With the Knight, we have built upon the learning experience of the Page and using these skills, have entered the world to seek our fortune.

The Knight brings bravery and daring, both internal and externally.  There is also the sense of haste, as if the Knight worries that if she doesn't get going in a hurry, all the opportunities will be lost.

While the Knight has achieved a level of mastery, he still hasn't acquired the wisdom that time provides but also hasn't lost the sense of wonder and excitement that often gets left behind.  In a sense, Knight occupies the best of all worlds, if she doesn't let her impulsiveness lead her into dangerous situations.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings:

When the Knight of Wands rides into the picture,he symbolizes a friendly, intelligent young man whose drive and ideas will lead him to success one day.

Right now, he has a hard time following anything to completion - how can he be expected to follow just one path when life gives so many options?Conventional life is boring and dull and he is driven to look for the next exciting thing. 

Most often, the Knight of Wands refers to a younger man or teenager, just learning to spread his wings.

Every so often, he will be an older man with a boyish character, secretly looking for someone to keep him in line (he's not as attractive as he thinks he is).                                              

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings:

The Knight of Wands can come into your life almost like a con-man.

He is fast talking and always looking to get what he wants without a thought to anyone else.

Even when you know this is his character, his charming words and easy smile make him hard to resist.

Don't give him anything you value, whether a possession or your heart.

Tarot Card Keywords:

charming, bright, creative, future prospects, easily distracted,dislike of convention, fear of boredom, bad with follow-through, boyish charmer, fast-talking, selfish, rogue, hard to resist, short trips, activities, social whirlwind, invitations.

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