Meaning of Each Tarot Card

Major Arcana, 3 The Empress

The Harvest goddess Demeter is a perfect representation of the Empress.  Both represent lush bounty and prosperity, the richness of a harvest, nurturing mother-like energies that move things from creation to completion.  The Empress is a symbol for "feminine" qualities and whose limitless love seeks to further the pursuits of beauty, happiness, creation and comfort. 

As a good mother, the Empress only wants us to reach our highest level of success and assist in all new creations.  Aware of the influences of different seasons, the Empress counsels us to connect to the rhythm of the universe - and to learn to match our timing with our expectations.

Upright: The energy of the Empress is as fertile and abundant an Indian summer.  Full of creativity and ideas, your needs are met and your wallet is full.  Careers related to art, beauty and the home will flourish - you will make the world a more beautiful place.  

The Empress can be seen as a symbol of the feminine and rules growth and birth.  This can refer literally to having children and mothering or even the birth of a new business, idea or love affair.  Warm and loving, this influence provides energy to make new and wonderful things.

Reversed: When the Empress is reversed, the energy that is normally so abundant has been stalled or blocked.  You may be experiencing financial or creative losses, disappointments in relationships and general discomforts.   Your home seems less comfortable somehow and your pleasures are diminished.  

When times are hard, it is even more difficult when there is no end in sight.  The Empress reminds us that there is a time and a season for everything and no matter the challenges, this too will pass.  You may need to give yourself a little nudge though.

Keywords:  fruitfulness, creativity, fertility, prosperity, sensuality, ideas, art projects, babies, children, nurturing, loving relationships, blocked abilities, sexual issues, poverty, home problems, sense of impoverishment, spiritual challenges, renewal.

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