Nine of Wands

To gain a more complete understanding of the Nine of Wands, an overview of the suit and number is provided first.       

Overview of the Wands

Aliases: Sticks, Staves, Rods, Batons<

Element: Fire

Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Playing Card Suit: Clubs

Class:  Peasantry

Rules: The Spirit

The Wands rule the spirit, especially issues of creativity and energy.

By spirit, Miss L means that the meaning of each Tarot card in this suit may rule issues of a deep level, connected to drive, purpose or even faith.

 Connected with the element of Fire, this suit rules the Zodiac Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Wands suit at once, go to the The Wands.

The Wands is the Tarot suit most often connected with issues related to creativity, spirituality and energy.

When you read these Tarot cards, keep in mind that their Tarot definition can change in meaning. Tarot cards will be interpreted differently according to the cards around them in a Tarot spread.

When learning the definition of Tarot cards, look at the cards individually and as part of the Tarot layout. If you're just learning to read Tarot cards, use the position in the Tarot layout as well as the meanings to guide you.

And never forget to listen to your gut instinct, even if it means the changing the official definition slightly.

Synopsis of the Nines

When the Nine appears, it is not the time to focus on what you've already achieved. There is still some more work to be completed to attract what you need.

The Nine indicates that you are nearing the end of a cycle but that you still need to reach beyond yourself to grab success. Constant reassessment and drive are an essential part of Nine; it will grant happiness and prosperity to those who work hard.

Nine is often associated with spirituality and indicates that what you achieve now will satisfy you on a deeper level.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings: 

When the Nine of Wands appears, it is asking you to reach down deep inside yourself and find the energy you need to keep going.

You may have overcome obstacles including illness, to reach where you are - but you're not quite where you want to be.

One last push and you'll be on the peak of that mountain.

Remember too that you need success to emanate from within you to reflect what is on the outside.

Sometimes the Nine of Wands says that you don't fully accept of feel comfortable with your successes. Believe in yourself first, and others will too.                                              

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings:  

Stress and the need to repair are part of the the Nine of Wands reversed. 

This card will appear during times of overwork, when you are feeling like you can't continue.

Constant stress has burdened your body and mind and you need to take a break.

 You might feel driven right now to finish what you started but if you press on, your health will suffer.

Tarot Card Keywords

strength, persistence, inner reserves, prudence, one last challenge, success is in sight, insecurities, doubting your own strength, loss of will, tiredness, metal exhaustion, stress,meditation, delays, overwork.

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