Queen of Cups

To gain a more complete understanding of the Queen of Cups, an overview of the suit and symbol is provided first.

Overview of the Cups

Aliases: Chalices

Element: Water

Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio

Playing Card Suit: Hearts

Class: Artists and Visionaries

Rules: The Heart

The Cups focus on emotions and matters of the heart. Tarot card meanings for the Cups suit tend to guide emotional questions of almost any nature.

Connected to the element of Water, this suit rules the Zodiac Water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Cups suit, visit  The Cups.

The Cups is the Tarot suit long connected with any issues of emotion. Ruled by water, feelings can run high when this suit makes an appearance.

When looking at the meaning of each Tarot card in the Cups suit, make note of what other suits are present. If there are also a lot of Coins or Wands, this indicates what is actually happening.

The presence of a number of Cups or Swords cards can suggest that this is more subjective, what the querent is feeling.

If you're just learning to read Tarot cards, use the position in the Tarot layout as well as the meanings to guide you. And never forget to listen to your gut instinct, even if it means the changing the official definition slightly.

Synopsis of the Queen

The Queen is the essential feminine symbol in the Tarot deck but like the King, can refer to persons of any gender.  The Queen is a complement to the King and indeed, represents strength and control in its symbolism as much as the King does.

With Queen, we are reminded of how the essence of life is ongoing in a never-ending cycle of birth and death.  There is a constant ebb and flow of all energy and the Queen seems to have her finger on the pulse of it

The Queen is every mother, the mother we all are as well as our own mother.  She suggests that throughout life, we are in a constant process of rebirthing and recreating ourselves.

Queen reminds us that while other people may have given us our start in life, we bear the responsibility for who we choose to be, regardless of our birth and early life.

Embody the Queen and provide yourself with whatever you require to nurture and thrive.

Upright Tarot Card Meaning:  

Feminine and creative, the Queen of Cups is artistic and incredibly intuitive.

Talented with a great deal of potential, she tends to work less than her potential; her laziness and lack of self-belief influence this.

The Queen of Cups loves deeply and with a great deal of perspective, but with a tendency to put her partner first. Soft hearted, she can be very emotional and likes to nurture children and animals.

She can't bear to see anyone or anything in distress and will do anything in her power to right wrongs. Sometimes her concern for others can make her forget her own obligations and commitments.

Reversed Tarot Card Meaning:

When the Queen of Cups is reversed, her moods become quick changing and her personality is overwhelmed by her emotions.

The intensity of her mood affect everyone around her and she sometimes uses them tomanipulate others.

Another meaning for the Queen of Cups reversed is a woman who has long lasting emotional wounds, their pain affecting other aspects of her life.  When someone is trapped in this part of the Queen of Cups, her talents are rarely used. She is aware of them but lacks the esteem and hope to use them.

Tarot Card Keywords:

creative endeavours, fantasy and creation, emotional and family therapy, repression emotions, nervous breakdowns, feminine, artistic, religious, intuition, lacking in confidence, sympathetic, love of animals and children, overly emotional, manipulative, emotional pain, hidden talents.

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