If the variety of sample Tarot spreads leaves you confused, start simple. Pick a card, any card.

The simplest of the sample Tarot spreads.  Feel the power of  one - the One Card Draw!

The One Card Draw is a great place to start exploring Tarot.  With one card, it is easily the most simple yet versatile of the Tarot spreads.  Too often, this Tarot spread is ignored for more thorough layouts.  However there are some real pluses to choosing the One Card Draw from other sample Tarot spreads.1.  Speed.

One Card Draws are fast to master and quick to read. Using the One Card Draw as a regular Tarot spread means that mentally, you don't have to commit a lot of time to practicing.  This Tarot spread is easy to fit it almost any time of the day, giving you more options for when to practice.

2.  Simplicity. 

Choosing one of the easy sample Tarot spreads means you can give your full attention to the cards.  A One Card Draw seems a little boring but it allows you to be exposed to the raw meaning of the Tarot.  It's one of those sample Tarot spreads that can be used for almost any purpose.  It's a great way to get a strong message straight from the Tarot.

3.  Oodles of Applications.

The versatility of the One Card Draw makes me love it more than many other sample Tarot spreads.  Your One Card Draw can focus on as much or as little as you want.  

It can be a way to...

further your skills in interpreting Tarot cards, 

learn more about an issue, 

discover patterns in a relationship,

understand archetypes,

meditate on a Tarot card...

With the One Card Draw, there are no limits to what you can discover!How to get started reading the One Card Draw?

With this sample Tarot spread, like with the others, the crucial point is to have a clear objective. What do you want to know?  Are you using this as a tool to explore the Tarot?  Do you want to draw a card in the morning to guide your day?  Is there a friend you're concerned about?

Take the deck of Tarot cards in your hands, and be conscious of your goal.  After you have shuffled the cards, fan them out and pick your card.  Lay it in front of you and give it the power of your focus.  Think about the meaning of the card, and more importantly, what the card means to you.  Take that meaning and explore it within the scope of your question.  

Some observations:

Occassionaly, you'll get two for the price of one. If a second card comes with the first, it can be for several reasons.  Maybe you wanted to know about more than one thing. Perhaps your answer needed some extra info for balance.  

??? If you're asking a question and your One Card draw makes no sense to you...draw again.  Reshuffle, maintain your focus on what you want to know, and find another card.  Study it, alone and with the original card.  Look for patterns between the two.

Examine your expectations.  Life is about choice.  If you were hoping to get a simple 'yes' or 'no' result to make a decision, flipping a coin works better.  Tarot shows you options and patterns - you get more information with which to make your choices. 

Voila!  That's the bones of the One Card Draw.  Did you find it satisfying or did it leave you wanting more?  The beauty in the One Card Draw is in its simple form.  It can still pack a punch though!

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