Seven of Coins

To gain a more complete understanding of the Seven of Coins, an overview of the suit and number is provided first.

Overview of the Coins

Aliases: Pentacles

Element: Earth

Zodiac: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Playing Card Suit: Diamonds

Class: Merchants

Rules: The Physical Realm (Wealth)

The Coins controls issues in the physical world. It is a very practical suit so the meaning of each Tarot card may focus on family, money, health and home. Connected with the element of Earth, this suit rules the Zodiac Earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Coins suit in one place, visit The Coins.

The Coins is the Tarot suit most often connected with issues related to money and wealth. It's a material world, and the Coins wants to remind you that you are a material girl (or boy).

Practical and earthy, The Coins can also influence physical issues beyond finances.

Issues about work, particularly those relating to salary, promotions or benefits, will be affected by the clink of the Coins.

If it's related to security and sensuality (we're talking in the physical sense here) then you'll start to see the influence of the Coins.

When learning the meaning of each Tarot card in the Coins suit, remember that the other suits near to these cards, as well as the placement in the Tarot spread, will confirm, magnify, lessen, or alter their meaning.

Synopsis of the Sevens

Seven is the number of inward journeys, intuition and connecting with what is hidden.

When Seven is present, you will understand more about what you secretly want but also be urged to work hard to get it.

It is a number of progress and change but with these changes it is important to make certain what we want.

There is the danger that without the necessary effort, the reward of Seven will not last.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings:

Sometimes with money, there is a lot of labour before you start to see the reward. That's how it is with the Seven of Coins

You may find yourself almost exhausted from the amount of work you're doing but still worried about the outcome.

You may have sleepless nights where you worry about whether you did the right thing or whether you are wasting your time but these fears are pretty groundless.

What is being built is an enterprise that is satisfying to your soul and will eventually fill your pockets.

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings:

Mental and physical exhaustion is indicated when the Seven of Coins is reversed.

Again, you've been working hard for little reward but in this case, there is no joy and you can't continue.

This is a time to take a break and reassess the situation. You'll find that your attitude will change soon and you'll be able to move in a different, more productive direction soon. Right now, you're just exhausted.

Tarot Card Meanings Keywords:

future investment, growth of business, slow return on money, self doubt, satisfying work, groundless fears, unpaid work, mental exhaustion, disappointment, no reward, improving self worth, reassessment, new direction, fresh start. 

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