Seven of Swords

To gain a more complete understanding of the Seven of Swords, an overview of the suit and number is provided first.

Overview of the Swords

Aliases: In English, this is the most common.

Element: Air

Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

Playing Card Suit: Spades

Class: Nobility/Militia

Rules: The Mind or Will

The Swords control the mind or will. When Miss L refer to these qualities, it means that the meaning of each Tarot card in this suit can focus on intellectual questions or issues related to power.

If you want to see all of the Tarot cards in the Swords suit, go to The Swords.

The Swords is the Tarot suit that most people are uncomfortable with. Often connected to negative meanings, the Swords have been given a bad rap.

It's true when you're first learning the meaning of each Tarot card this suit, it seems more than an average number of Tarot cards are dark and brooding.

Just like a physical sword, the Swords have two edges. On the one hand, their energy can be destructive and hard to swallow - especially when it's your life that's being affected.

On the other side, they clear out the junk! Usually, they affect the clutter in your mental attics - the stuff you're not ready to get rid of but don't want to deal with either. 

When the Swords appear, they are using their strengths of courage, ideas and power to tell you it is time.

Deal with it and move on!

If you're just learning to read Tarot cards, remember that the position in the Tarot layout as well as the nearby Tarot cards should to guide you (in addition to the meanings for the Tarot cards).

Work from the heart, listen to your gut and develop your intuition.

Don't fear the Swords. Like any medicine, working up the courage to open your mouth and swallow takes longer than it does for the bad taste to fade after.

Synopsis of the Sevens

Seven is the number of inward journeys, intuition and connecting with what is hidden.

When Seven is present, you will understand more about what you secretly want but also be urged to work hard to get it.

It is a number of progress and change but with these changes it is important to make certain what we want.

There is the danger that without the necessary effort, the reward of Seven will not last.

Upright Tarot Card Meaning:

Restless energy and a burning desire for new ideas come with the Seven of Swords.

This may be a time where new thoughts and directions are arriving faster than you can process them.

You may also work quickly, shifting your time rapidly between multiple projects, not finishing anything.

This is a time for mental stimulation and you need many things going on at once to feel satisfied.

The Seven of Swords promises great inspiration, but for it to be realized, there also needs to be hard work.

Be careful who you share your ideas with - there is the possibility that someone else will steal them and complete what you haven't.                                   

Reversed Tarot Card Meaning:

Indecision is fueled by over-active thoughts at this time.

When the Seven of Swords is reversed, there needs to be more authenticity in your life. You, or the people around you, are like used car salesman.

There seems to be a slick message being used which is more a version of the truth than the truth itself. Plain-speaking and a hard look at reality are needed now. You are in danger of believing your own hype.

Tarot Card Keywords: 

sporadic effort, huge volume of ideas, inability to do just one thing, projects left unfinished, mental stimulation, idea theft, hype, false promises, manipulation, schemes, tricks, indecision.

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