Tarot Spreads

When Are You Ready to Make Your Own?

After using common Tarot spreads, creating your own may spark new life into your tarot card readings.  Working with some good and consistent Tarot spreads are crucial to becoming a strong Tarot reader.  When you know the positions of a Tarot spread well, you can focus more energy on interpreting the cards and less wondering about the placement.

After you've been reading Tarot cards for some time, Tarot spreads can start to feel limiting, especially when reading for others.  There is a natural progression for some Tarot readers, first in terms of learning the meanings of each Tarot card, later mastering different and more advanced Tarot spreads.  If you're the type of personality that needs a constant challenge, you might want to consider  creating your own Tarot spreads.

When I first started reading Tarot cards, there was enough new information to keep me busy learning.  Between the Tarot card meanings and figuring out new Tarot spreads, there was a slight learning curve.  

However, as I continued to read, I wanted more.  More detail, more information, more value for my clients.  I started by modifying known spreads, adding cards as needed to clarify or add information.  I hit a point where I wanted to start creating my own spreads, not just for the information but also to challenge myself.

As a Tarot card reader, only you will know when you need or want to create your own Tarot layouts.   Some Tarot readers never stray from what they learn with and still give excellent readings. 

I'll also say that my clients were still very happy with my readings.  Making my own Tarot spreads was more of a personal development issue.   Like with everything else in life, there is no single "right way" of doing things.

I advise Tarot card readers to wait until they're pretty comfortable with the definitions of the cards  first.  Try different spreads to see what styles appeal to you then use that information to create a simple Tarot spread.

I recommend when you're first designing a Tarot layout, keep a piece of paper and pencil handy if you want to use it a second time.  The positions and their meanings may seem simple now but if you don't use it regularly, you may soon forget. 

If you want to embrace your inner free spirit (not so inner for some of us), work at creating a different spread every time.  Instead of knowing what the placement will mean ahead of time, intuit its meaning when you turn the Tarot cards.  

*WARNING*: this style of reading is recommended only for those that are flexible, in touch with their intuition and have a strong connection to the Tarot cards.  Tarot readers who don't fall into this category will just find it frustrating and no fun at all.

Working with Tarot spreads, whether creating your own or using an existing spread, will always take some time and practice.  On the other hand, switching around your Tarot spreads is a great way to bring new enthusiasm to a Tarot card reading as well as test your skill!

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