Meanings For Tarot Cards

Minor Arcana: The Tens

When looking at the meanings for Tarot cards in the Minor Arcana, it's helpful to understand the numbers ruling the suits.

Powerful and energetic, Ten acts like an overview for all your accomplishments. It is a beacon for transformation and gathers together all the loose ends just so you can begin again. Fate or destiny can lend a hand when Ten appears. Groups of every kind show how organization and energy can achieve anything when combined with the power of Ten. There is movement on the horizon so seize the moment and revel in the joy of your successes.

Ten of Wands

Upright: With the Ten of Wands, you are on the brink of achieving a lifelong dream. Drive and ambition fuel your passion so all this hard work feels like less of a burden. Sometimes, all the energy you are pouring into this project may feel to be wasted; you doubt yourself and whether this means enough to you. Other times, your ambition may drive you to exclude areas of your life and make your work your sole focus. Learn to relax and leave work at work; you may feel like this is your calling, but you need a life too.

Reversed: The responsibilities you shoulder right now with the Ten of Wands reversed are just right. Instead of feeling burdened, these are welcome responsibilities that reinforce your worth and create strong feelings of drive. In an environment of strong workers, you are nurtured and working at your best. External forces support you and you feel like you are in sync with your job. Promotions or raises are a likely result of all your hard work.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: ambition, burden, drive to win, hard work, realization of a dream, vitality, workaholic, overwork, neglecting other areas of life, welcome responsibilities, expansiveness, great work situation, promotion, raises

Ten of Coins

Upright: Money and family are intertwined with the Ten of Coins. Sometimes this can be quite literal, in the case of family businesses, inheritance, loans, or other financial help. Perhaps extended family share a home and in this way the money is interconnected. With the Ten of Coins, it can also be important to show your family that you are successful and desire their approval for how you make money and live you life. The Ten of Coins offers prosperity and comfort, money invested and saved and allows you to look at the long term growth of your wealth.

Reversed: When the Ten of Coins becomes reversed, the family that is so important to you can seem like a burden rather than a blessing. Perhaps you support relatives or are seeking support that isn't forthcoming. It may be that your family is vocal about how they think you should improve your life. Money matters are especially complicated and there are unexpected drains on your resources. Just when you thought you were getting ahead, that extra money seems to vanish.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: money and family, gifts, inheritance, loans, financial prosperity, tax rebates, lump sums, material comfort, family support, burdensome family, heavy expectations, conservative beliefs, unexpected expenses, financial drains, disappointments

Ten of Swords

Upright: The Ten of Swords often indicates betrayal, especially through gossip, betraying confidences and destruction of trust. Words are the enemy here so be cautious about committing anything to paper. When the Ten of Swords appears, it is usually an indicator that something important is coming to an end: beliefs, convictions, career or a relationship. Confronting that your shared time is over can be painful but at this point, you can't hide from it anymore. Moving forward, there is nowhere to go but up.

Reversed: With the Ten of Swords reversed, it is time to address how your own negative thinking and deeply held beliefs are affecting your life. You may not realize how pessimistic you've become but there is an element of self-fulfilling prophecy in your life. Start to explore how you can slowly change your mindset and embrace positive thought patterns. Stay open to improvements and they will start to enter your life.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: betrayal, slander, gossip, revealed secrets, end of relationships, rock bottom, depression, negative thinking, troubled period, improvements that don't last, unconscious beliefs, pessimism, stop looking for trouble

Ten of Cups

Upright: The Ten of Cups is the pinnacle of happiness - it is the point where dreams can come true! Established relationships will only continue to grow and develop and new relationships are easy and filled with harmony. The self-love and respect you developed spreads outward, affecting all you love with your joy. It is the card where wishes are granted but this is not just about luck. There was work, developing a stronger bond with yourself, that has lead to this point. Congratulations!

Reversed: When the Ten of Cups is reversed, you may feel that you are on the brink of losing what is most important to you. Homes might be sold, children and friends move away, lovers become distant. These emotional disruptions affect you even more right now because they hurt deeply, breaking your heart. All the more important to speak from your soul and express the deep feelings you may have been hiding. Leave petty quarrels and misunderstandings behind you and try to find common ground. True love knows no distance.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: abundant joy, lasting happiness, blossoming friendships, lasting love affairs, happy homes, success in every area of your life, dreams come true, quarrels, disagreements, fear of losing what you love, moving, loss of friendship, emotional distance

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Threes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Fours
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Fives
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Sixes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Sevens
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Eights
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Nines
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana : The Tens

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