Meanings For Tarot Cards

Minor Arcana: The Fours

When looking at the meanings for Tarot cards in the Minor Arcana, it's helpful to understand the numbers ruling the suits.

Four is a stable number that represents structure and rules. At first, its earthy nature seems a little boring. After all, how many people get excited about rules? What makes Four interesting is how you can use these rules to help make your dreams a reality. Four is the number that reminds you of the practical parts of life, and helps you restructure want you want so you can have it. Four teaches us to learn the rules so we can understand when to work with them and when to break them. Self-discipline and structure can be boring or strengthening - the answer lies in your perspective

Four of Wands

Upright: Creating a country home, complete with a bountiful harvest is the perfect visual for the Four of Wands. This card focuses on the stability a home provides and the importance of having this. When a home is signified by this card, it has been long awaited and will be a nurturing environment filled with love and hope. The Four of Wands is about building a strong foundation for years of future successes and growth.

Reversed: Your dreams, especially in terms of having a home, may be put aside for a little while. It doesn't mean that this dream must be abandoned but rather that there is still some more work for this to be achieved. When this card appears reversed, you may be in such a hurry to wrap things up, you don't realize how many loose ends you're leaving. The Four of Wands reversed is offering you a brief rest and time to collect yourself before you move forward. While the impatient part of you is annoyed by this, enjoy it while it lasts.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: success, manifesting dreams into reality, old contacts, working with the present to create the future, visionary, hard work, need for practical planning, unrealistic expectations, wanting a free ride

Four of Coins

Upright:If you've been through a period where every dollar had to be stretched 5 ways, things will be getting easier. The Four of Coins doesn't represent extreme riches but it is about financial stability. When you see the Four Of Coins, you will have more money coming in than going out and with some planning, will even have some money leftover. It's the time to look into savings and how to use money wisely rather than just spending it on stuff. Take care of your money and it will take care of you. Be careful that you haven't fallen into the trap of judging people by what they have rather than who they are.

Reversed: When the Four of Coins is reversed, your mind is consumed by thoughts of money. Whether financially worried, strapped for cash, or guilty of hoarding, greed or being miserly, you can't think beyond moolah. It may be that you're the responsible one in your household and while others are spending up a storm, you're worrying about the bills. Never allow financial trappings to trap you.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: financial stability, healthy income, modest gains, responsible, savings and investments, social climber, greed, miserly behaviour, financial worries, immersed in the material world

Four of Swords

Upright:The Four of Swords often appears after a time of illness or anxiety and reminds you that we all need time to rest and recuperate. Sometimes this break is needed for you to accurately see all that you have accomplished; there is nothing like a little distance to gain perspective. The Four of Swords is a message that you need to take a break; if you refuse to listen, your health may suffer for it. It can also suggest that a retreat or a withdrawal from modern appliances and their demands (turn off your cell phones everyone) is just what you need.

Reversed: When the need for rest indicated by the Four of Swords is ignored, you arrive at the reversed position. This is the time when illness or anxiety will result in health issues needing a long period for healing. There is no longer the option to choose to rest - the choice has been made for you. Rather than worry about how this will affect you, accept that it is necessary and let your body, mind and spirit heal. The Four of Swords reversed can also refer to a time of social isolation where old friends have lost contact; however this is not permanent and new friends will arrive soon.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: rest, relaxation, withdrawing mentally, need for peace and quiet, time for reassessment, small vacation, take it easy, enforced rest, physical issues, mental instability, limited pleasures, feeling isolated, nervous exhaustion

Four of Cups

Upright:The Four of Cups speaks of emotional reassessment and dissatisfaction. Things and people that pleased you before don't anymore and you're uncertain what to do about it. Troubled by boredom, you're in need of a change - you just don't feel like doing it right now. Think of small things you can do to shake things up - how about a small vacation - and be open to new interests and friends. Just because you were disappointed in the past, doesn't mean that love has to hurt. What is life without risk?

Reversed: The Four of Cups reversed often represents someone who cannot be alone. Needing the reassurance of people around them, they create a frantic social schedule that allows no time for pleasure, only distraction. Sometimes this card appears when you are needing change at this point in your career. It could be that a project that once gave you much pride and pleasure leaves you feeling empty.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: emotional boredom, stuck in a rut, depression, need for new interests, short holiday, fear of love, emotional scars, fear of being alone, new challenges, training for a new career, new hobby

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Aces
Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Twos
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Threes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fours
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fives
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sixes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sevens
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Eights
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Nines
Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Tens

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