Meanings For Tarot Cards

Minor Arcana: The Threes

When looking at the meanings for Tarot cards in the Minor Arcana, it's helpful to understand the numbers ruling the suits.

Three is a number of creative success and positive energy. When you combine the starting energy of One and the balancing energy of Two, you arrive with the happy conclusion of Three. Long regarded in many religions as a holy number, Three contains a vital force and direction all its own.

Three of Wands

Upright: Opportunities are quickly approaching, particularly in the areas of creativity and career. These may be connected to relationships nurtured previously, and are likely ideas you've been pursuing for some time. Further growth of your ideas will occur, while some previously developed will start to bear fruit.

Reversed: Dreams are the starting point for any new venture. In order to become a reality, they need a combination of hard work and practical planning. When success fails at this point, it's usually because of unrealistic expectations and a lack of focussed hard work. You may have another chance to live this dream later but next time be better prepared with the resources you currently have.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: success, manifesting dreams into reality, old contacts, working with the present to create the future, visionary, hard work, need for practical planning, unrealistic expectations, wanting a free ride

Three of Coins

Upright: The Three of Coins is all about putting in time and effort to gain reward. For those people that have invested in learning a new skill and becoming a master of a field of work, especially the arts or crafts (including woodwork and construction), they are just about to be rewarded. Having spent time to reach the height of a profession, you are now regarded with respect.

Reversed: The Three of Coins in a reversed position often speaks of delays in success; the cause is usually the self. Either fear of failure or unwillingness to commit to the path of learning are the usual culprits. It's necessary to remember why and if gaining these skills are important to you and to realize that most good things require discipline and hard work.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: apprenticeship, on the path to mastery, learning a new skill, being mentored, working towards self-improvement, gaining skills that will lead to prosperity long term, decorating or renovating a home, stick-in-the-mud, unwilling to invest the time needed, holding yourself back, not getting external recognition

Three of Swords

Upright: Heartache and confusion are present when the Three of Swords appears. These relationships were once pleasant and passionate-it may be discovered that there was no depth to sustain them. Usually, there is some form of betrayal involved. What was beautiful and romantic under the light of the moon is exposed as empty and possibly deceitful in the light of day.

Reversed: Emotional stress and anxiety go hand in hand with the Three Of Swords reversed. Relationships are confusing, communication breaks down and it seems that there is only a great deal of emotional pain left to experience. When this card appears, the relationship has usually ended and healing has begun, even if it seems like the wounds are still raw. Every ending brings a new beginning.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: love triangles, betrayal, breakdown in relationships, reassessment, deception, healing, adultery, emotional stress, anxiety, a desire to go back in time, emotional pain, healing, a new start

Three of Cups

Upright: Celebrations and happy events are all part of the Three of Cups. Weddings, house-warmings, anniversaries, birthdays, promotions, births - they are all part of the joy that comes with this card. Suddenly, there will be many reasons to enjoy family and friends, having good food and wonderful conversation. Sometimes this social whirlwind may seem a little much but it's best to relax and smile, enjoying yourself. It's not often there is so much to celebrate.

Reversed: Over-the-top indulgence is the key phrase for the Three of Cups. It's one thing to enjoy yourself, but you're having a hard time doing anything else. This can also speak of financial over-spending, allowing your joy to blind you to the balance in your bank account. Take a break from the social scene to regroup and get some much needed sleep.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: celebration, parties, social events, weddings, babies, family gatherings, over-indulgence, over-spending, getting wrapped up in a social whirl, lack of sleep, socialite lifestyle, forgetting about responsibilities, need for rest and quiet relaxation

Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Aces
Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Twos
Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Threes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fours
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fives
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sixes
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sevens
Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Eights
Meanings for Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Nines
Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Tens

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