Meanings For Tarot Cards

Minor Arcana: The Fives

When looking at the meanings for Tarot cards in the Minor Arcana, it's helpful to understand the numbers ruling the suits.  

Five is the number of rebellion and change. Where Four gave us the rules, Five is where we decide to break them regardless of consequences.  These are the battles that are fought to break old habits and create new changes.  Five will shake us up and force us to strive for progress.  The four main elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are complemented by the fifth, Spirit.  While Five isn't comfortable, the hard times will be overcome and positive changes eventually welcomed.

Five of Wands

Upright:  Competitive challenges are part of the Five of Wands.  There are struggles and tests which may seem like a game at times and a fiery battle at others.  The end result is a better  product or idea.  These battles are just part of the process of challenging the old to create the new.  Peaceful sharing of ideas?  No way!  Arguments will be common and it may be hard to hold your temper in check.  Just remember that the Five of Wands has a purpose behind the words.

Reversed:  When the Five of Wands is reversed, legal issues or disputes are likely looming on the horizon. Any resolution to the legal problems will be the result of a lot of negotiation and understanding. Internal conflicts will frustrate and it seems there is no easy solution to these problems.  While these trials can seem insurmountable, conclusion may be close at hand.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: arguments, conflicts, testing circumstances, forging new ideas, creating new products, power struggles, mastering yourself, sharing viewpoints, litigation, court battles, negotiation, inner conflict, anger, possible resolution

Five of Coins

Upright: A challenging card, the Five of Coins can signal financial, emotional or spiritual hardship.  It is quite simply a time in life where you are going to feel tested.  If your finances are affected, you'll experience a significant lack of money.  That fact that it may be related to previous over-spending won't make you feel any better.  Lack of confidence and a low sense of self worth are also indicated.  There is no easy solution but it is crucial to have faith that your circumstances will change.

Reversed:  Challenging situations are also present when the Five of Coins is reversed but in this case, you realize that only hard work and plenty of it will change your life.  As soon as you start this process, other forms of help appear - maybe in the form of a grant or gift.  While you won't forget the troubles you experienced, you realized that they have helped you become a stronger person.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: despair, financial hardships, lack of faith, troublesome times, internal struggles, poverty, lack of optimism, hard work leading to strong results, reversing trends, growing faith, increased confidence and self-worth, eventual success

Five of Swords

Upright:  A strong sense of disappointment and failure is inherent in the Five of Swords.  It may be that in a quest for power, underhanded tactics were employed - lies, gossip and envy undermine everyone, including yourself.  It may be that disappointment was necessary to force a more realistic plan of action.  When following a path where nothing seems to work, this might not be your best course.  The only thing affected if you change your mind will be your pride.

Reversed:  When the Five of Swords is reversed, it is time to cut your losses.  Sometimes, wanting to prove we were in the right becomes more important than being right.  At this point, you have already lost this fight, no matter what else you say or do.  Jealousy, pride and self-righteousness may be keeping you in battle but it is time to embrace defeat and walk away.  Accept what has happened, learn from it and start anew. 

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords:   limitations, power struggles, failure, loss, damage, sense of unfairness, creation of something new, underhandedness, releasing pride, defeat, acceptance of defeat, learning to abandon self-pity, moving towards a fresh start.

Five of Cups

Upright:  When the Five of Cups appears in a reading it is a sign that we're looking at what we don't have rather than what we do.  One of our deepest held beliefs was shattered and we were mourning its loss.  Now is the time to get over it.  We need to look at what remains and decide what role it can play in our lives.  Often appearing when a relationship is challenged, it is important to use the Five of Cups to reassess what is left.  Perhaps a vow has been broken or our partner has been emotionally distant - can we work with what remains to heal?  In order to decide, it is time to move beyond sadness into contemplation.

Reversed:  The Five of Cups reversed often signals that an emotional reunion is on the horizon.  A old friend or lover may suddenly reappear, giving you the chance to possibly rebuilt your relationship.  With the new knowledge and experiences you have, it could become even stronger the second time.  The emotional hurt leaves you cautious and better able to decide whether a second chance is worth the risk.

Meanings for Tarot Cards Keywords: loss, destruction of ideals, broken dreams, old wounds, unaware why things went wrong, emotional loneliness, restrained hope, new chances, rebuilding old relationship, emotional wisdom

Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Aces

Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Twos

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Threes

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fours

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Fives

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sixes

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Sevens

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Eights

Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Nines

Go to Meanings For Tarot Cards, Minor Arcana: The Tens

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