Tarot Card Reading Instructions

Creating Sacred Space

No Tarot card reading instructions are complete if they don't address the space you read in. If you want to give excellent Tarot card readings, focus on creating private and comfortable space to read in.

What is sacred space? This refers to any place that you've set aside and put conscientious effort into to make pleasant for Tarot card readings - or anything else for that matter. A table is just a table but if you clean it, cover it with a piece of velvet, light a candle and prepare to start a Tarot card reading - voila, it is now sacred space. Just like learning Tarot cards is an individual journey, creating a private and personal space to read in is another. While my space would involve candles and incense, yours might not; that's okay!

Why is sacred space important? I've started these Tarot card reading instructions talking about reading space because I believe it influences the success of a reading. You can read anywhere- inside, outside, upside-down -if it pleases you but you might be distracted, tense or uncomfortable and that will affect the quality of your reading.

Take a minute and think about reading on a picnic table that's dirty and littered with garbage and pieces of food. Visualize spreading your Tarot cards out, feeling and seeing this mess around your cards and yourself. Do you get a comfortable feeling or a sense of peace thinking about reading in this environment?

Create another vision, still outside but at a large clean table that's draped with a linen tablecloth. There's plenty of space, a small bouquet of flowers, and a candle moves in the wind, scenting the air with a fragrance you love. How does this vision make you feel? Does this give you a feeling of peace and comfort?

If you're new to Tarot cards and are not sure what to include in your sacred space, listen to your heart. Aim for items that will add to rather than distract from a Tarot card reading. *HINT*: Small children and animals will usually distract from a Tarot readings (I know from experience)! Here's a list of items you can include:

  • Candles
  • Incense
  • Fresh flowers
  • Table cloth or favourite fabric to cover table
  • Tarot box to hold cards
  • Small ornaments, statues or pieces of art
  • Rocks, crystal or semi-precious stones
  • Tarot reference book or information
  • Kleenex - some readings can be very emotional
  • Space for a client to keep a notepad or tape recorder

Creating a sacred space is personal and like many of my Tarot card reading instructions, it's up to you. Every time you add or remove something from your sacred space, ask yourself how it makes you feel. Creating a sense of comfort, peace and inspiration goes a long way helping you excel at reading Tarot cards!

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