Tarot Card Explanation

The Tarot Card Explanation section is a little different than the Meaning of Each Tarot Card area.  While there is a cross-over in some of the information, this section is meant to provide you with a more personal connection to the tarot cards.

What the heck does that mean?

Basically, fortune telling is a very minimal part of what tarot cards can be used for.  

Tarot Card Explanations focuses on the tarot card meanings but provides some guidance of applying the message of the cards to your own life.

So, without further ado....here's Tarot Card Explanations!

All of the cards in a tarot card deck, the first 22 that are known as the Major Arcana, have the greatest use for self exploration.

tarot card explanation, tarot card meanings, meaning of each tarot card, interpreting tarot cards

Looking through these cards is akin to passing through life itself, and anyone can benefit from digging a little deeper.

The ebb and flow of the Major Arcana can be separated into 3 different cycles of 7 cards, each representing an area of personal development.  

If you're wondering about the extra card that doesn't seems to fit in, that would be the numberless card 0 The Fool.  Because The Fool tarot card is the start of every new journey, its essential spark isn't part of the development groupings.

Physical Development

tarot card explanation, tarot card meanings, meaning of each tarot card, interpreting tarot cards

Normally, when you hear the words 'physical development', it has to do with growing taller. In this case, the focus is on connecting to and mastering the physical world.

This path of development starts with The Magician tarot card, to the High Priestess tarot card, and The Empress tarot card.  It continues with The Emperor tarot cardThe Hierophant tarot cardThe Lovers tarot card, and concludes with  The Chariot tarot card.

Looking at each of the tarot cards in this section, there is movement the starts in an adept practicing new skills and then moving on to apply them in life.

There is nurturing and structure, exposure to societal rules and order, choices and decisions to be made before mastery can arrive.  

This isn't to say that everything will occur in a specific order but each of these lessons is crucial to development on the physical plane.

Emotional/Psychic Development

The next section in the Tarot Card Explanations is directed towards emotional or psychic development.  This is more than just getting in touch with your feelings.

tarot card explanation, tarot card meanings, meaning of each tarot card, interpreting tarot cards

There is a real sense of emotional growth and deeper connection to the world as a whole and humanity specifically.

In this area of development, there may be psychic connections forged with friends or the ability to communicate with animals will deepen.

This part of the journey opens with the magnificent Strength tarot card leading the charge.  She is supported by the tarot cards The Hermitand  the Wheel of Fortune.  

The Justice tarot card, the peace-filled Hanged Man tarot card and a tarot card deck's champion of change, Death tarot card, are all supporting players.  This cycle of emotional transformation ends with the tarot card Temperance.

The emotional journey flows through love mastering fear, wisdom sought and gained, the cycle of fortune singing its rhythm, fairness conquering vengeance, patience overcoming obstacles, the conclusion of a cycle and the corresponding balance and harmony that results.

While the physical development is an external process, the second journey is completely internal.

Spiritual Development

The final section in Tarot Card Explanations documents the soul or spiritual development.  

While there is some temptation to view this as the most important of the journeys, they are all equal in value.

The Spirit journey starts with The Devil tarot card, helping us to master our desire for physical pleasures.  While the Tower tarot card tears the world apart, the Star tarot card finds hope in what's left.  The Moon tarot card highlights our hidden fears while The Sun tarot card reminds us that our world loves and values us.  We take the karmic consequence for our action with the Judgement tarot card and The World tarot card brings us an ending and a new beginning simultaneously.

Use these Tarot Card Explanations to better understand the cards and yourself.  Miss L recommends taking your time and allowing yourself to feel and connect with the tarot card meanings.  Use these tarot card explanations, work through the exercises, and let the tarot cards tell your their stories.

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