The World Tarot Card

The World tarot card is one card in the Major Arcana that most people look forward to drawing. Why not?

Its tarot card meaning centres on all sort of good things: achievement, happiness, success, glory, celebration and other goodies.

But what happens after The World's party is over?

And that's where some people start struggling with this powerful tarot card.

By the way, if you're wanting a more throrough meaning for The World Tarot card or the meaning of each Tarot card, Miss L suggests that you browse over to the Tarot Card Meanings page. the world tarot card, tarot card meanings, meaning of each tarot card, interpreting tarot cards Most of us live life focussing on the end goal. The journey becomes inconsequential compared to the achievement.

It's one way to live but it can be limiting. A big chunk of learning occurs in travelling to a goal, versus actually gaining it.

This tarot card can be very challenging because it is intrinsically tied to both gain and loss. Once the dust settles, it is impossible to stay on the current path. It has ended and it is time to try something new.

Miss L has found that often time can seem to slow down when The World approaches, often of her own volition. Instintively, we want to keep doing what is familiar and the thought of looking for a new goal can seem daunting.

As The World nears...

  • What longer-term goal have you been pursuing that is now close to completion? What are some of the lessons this goal has taught you? Was the journey what you expected it to be?

  • What's next? After you finish patting yourself on the back, what do you want to move on to? Would you like to delay your success to stay where you are a little while longer?

  • With the prospect of choosing a new goal, how do you feel? Can you connect to the spirit of The Fool tarot card to start anew?

The World urges you to savour your success and knowledge and to use the greater understanding on your next journey. Bon voyage!

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