The Moon Tarot Card

The Moon tarot card has unfairly been long associated as having a mostly negative influence in a Tarot card layout but this may have more to do with its traditional connection to the divine feminine rather that its watery and emotional tarot card meaning.

The Moon presents a time where it is dark and gloomy and shadows create strange and mysterious shapes in the night. Its overwhelming element is water and this adds a murky emotional influence to all The Moon controls.

This is a moment where it may feel necessary to make a decision but it is difficult to tell which way is up and what direction to go in. The shadows that exist may just be in your head or not; it is impossible to tell at present.

the moon tarot card, tarot card descriptions, free tarot card meanings, tarot card pictures

There are more thorough additional free tarot card meanings, including one for The Moon tarot card as well as the meaning of each tarot card located in the Tarot Card Meanings section of the site.

With The Moon, you are at a crucial junction of self development and may feel weak in a landscape rife with powerful and arcane symbols. You feel pressured to trust nothing and that fearful attitude may even cross over to personal perceptions.

Traditionally, the definitions for The Moon have been less than positive, focusing on the fear and indecision rampant within its influence. Like many situations in life, how much of that meaning is based in reality or skewed by personal attitude in perception?

Perhaps, in admitting that we control to some degree the level of positivity or negativity in our environment, we can regain control over out current situation. If you are mired in a 'dark-night-of-the-soul' moment - those times at 3am where it feels like life is irrevocably screwed up - this is the time when you can take it back.

It can get better and will improve, if only by changing our mindset. Knowing that you do have the ability to affect your world can be frightening -there are fewer people to blame for current circumstance- but its empowering and zesty juice can become addictive.

The Moon tarot card can be particularly unnerving as its influence rules some phenomena that are mysterious by nature. With the moon, the veil between worlds becomes thin and the laws of science get set aside.

Psychic abilities are heightened and intuitive dreams dominate the nocturnal landscape. These watery qualities can seem like a law unto themselves and impossible to dominate or experience may occur that feel like some sort of psychic test.

When The Moon tarot card calls you to its glimmering pool to glimpse your intuitive self, heed it but recall that you have the ability to proceed at whatever pace feels right to you.

Often when people feel overwhelmed by emotional upheavals, it is a result of repressing a hidden part of themselves.

Ask yourself:

  • What is your perception of or feeling towards psychic powers or intuitive abilities?

  • Does that definition apply to you, others, or everyone in general?

  • What is the smallest step you could take today to open yourself to your inherent intuitive abilities? What are your biggest fears or concerns about your psychic gifts?

The Moon tarot card shows a path that may seem fraught with risk and hidden dangers but remember that appearances do not always mirror reality. Look beyond the shadows to the light of The Moon and allow your intuitive side to guide you to where you need to go.

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