Classic Horseshoe Tarot Layouts

The Classic horseshoe tarot layouts are fairly basic Tarot spreads which are fairly easy for beginners to pick up.  There's not too many cards involved and they all have distinct meanings so it's easy to realize what fits and what doesn't.  There are a couple of variations to this horseshoe tarot card spread such as the Love Horseshoe tarot layouts and the Work Horseshoe tarot layouts.

Remember to frame your question as clearly as possible; for every possible choice, it should be asked as a separate question.  The Tarot cards should be shuffled and cut and 7 cards placed in a horseshoe (half circle) shape, in order that they're dealt. 

When you're ready to get started, take a minute to study each card individually at first, then examine the whole Classic Horseshoe Tarot layout.  To really interpret all levels of a tarot card meaning, you need to look at cards in context of the tarot spreads.

Card 1:  The Past

The card should indicate how important the past has been on this issue.  Look to see whether the card is upright or reversed and if it is part of the Major or Minor Arcana.

Card 2:  The Present

This can refer to thoughts, feelings or actual events influencing the present.

Card 3:  What is Hidden

Secret influences that could alter the outcome of this question or surprise you with their impact.

Card 4:  Obstacles

These are the trials to be overcome, whether metal or physical barriers, in order to resolve this situation.

Card 5:  Your Environment

Your immediate environment, including family, friends and home, that affects this issue.

Card 6:  What Should Be Done

Sometimes what should be done isn't what you want to do.  This is a practical suggestion of what might work best rather than what must absolutely happen.

Card 7:  The Likely Outcome

The most likely solution to your question, based on what was suggested by the 6th card.

Sometimes with the Classic Horseshoe tarot layouts, a card may not seem to make sense where it falls in the tarot spread.   

If after trying to interpret the Tarot card and not really getting the message, it's perfectly okay to shuffle and draw another Tarot card.  With the second card, you'll get more information and be able to interpret the position of the tarot card spread better.

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