Five of Coins:Daily Tarot Reading

March 9th, 2011

The Five of Coins daily tarot reading is a bittersweet sort of card. While it usually indicates comfort gained from spiritual beliefs, it also implies that there is need for such support after troubles relating to finances.

The Five of Coins' daily tarot reading is a psychic nudge to reevaluate how much emphasis we place on money, and likewise, how much we let our material successes or failures connect to our opinion of ourselves.

When the Five of Coins appears, ask yourself how satisfied you are with your life. Does that satisfaction stem from a fat wallet or do other areas of your life, particularly spiritual influences affect how you feel and what you do?

If your financial situation imploded (and this is assuming that it hasn't already or that you were fairly healthy financially to begin with), would there be other things in your life to cushion the blow?

But is the Five of Coins daily tarot reading about the lack of financial resources or the importance of a loving support system? Is your faith strong enough to support you through any struggle?

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With the Five of Coins' daily tarot reading, shift your focus to building the spiritual support network you may be lacking.

For some, this may mean attending spiritual assemblies like church or temple services. It's not necessarily a church thing though.

The Five of Coins talks about connecting spiritually and that will means something different for everyone. For others, it is more a case of reconnecting with old friends and relatives or reaching out emotionally beyond your comfort zone.

If this is a time where it feels like your finances are in the toilet, fall back on your support network and remember that this will pass. Try not to dwell on what you've lost and allow the people around you to give you the support and encouragement you need!

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