Free Tarot Network: Free Three Card Tarot Reading
The Free Tarot Network's free three card tarot reading was a great experience with only a few hiccups. Like their free one card tarot reading, all the readings are done by live Tarot readers mentored by more experienced readers. In some cases, you even get the mentors themselves! This is a great service offered for FREE by some very generous people and their willingness to volunteer their time deserves two thumbs up.
Two things to note. First, the Free Tarot network's free three card tarot readings are very much in demand and there are only a certain amount available each day. Going early in the morning seemed to work well to successfully book a reading. Later, not so much. For reference, I went at about 8:00 AM EST and got a reading right away. When I tried a little later, say around 10:30 AM EST, there were none left.

Secondly, I'm not quite sure how you choose the free one card tarot reading versus the free three card tarot reading. It's quite puzzling! In some urls I received on correspondence, it seemed to indicate a separate address for the free three card tarot reading but they both seem to come from the same place.
Bottom line: if you're unsure what you've signed up for, look at the fine print. If you're limited to every 30 days, it's the free one card tarot reading. If the cap is 60 days, it's the free three card tarot reading. These two small issues are really the only complaint I had with Free Tarot Network's free three card tarot reading.
There is no confusion with the quality of the Free Tarot Network's free three card tarot reading. Straight up - it's good! My free three card tarot reading came to my inbox as an MP3, which allowed me to listen to it a couple of times to make sure I gleaned the most possible information. The reading was insightful, empowering and accurate - all marks of a worthy Tarot card reading.
Definitely bookmark the Free Tarot Network and visit them again and again - after the waiting period has expired, of course! Or better yet, if you want to gain some valuable practice while mastering Tarot cards, think about volunteering for them.
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