Six of Wands Daily Tarot Reading
March 11th, 2011
When you get the Six of Wands daily tarot reading, it's okay to relish your success. No one knows better than you how hard you've worked to engineer circumstances to your favour.
It's a sign that victory is on my mind when I draw the Six of Wands. It's true that right now I'm anticipating several major projects wrapping up in the next couple of weeks after (in some cases) years of hard work.
The nice thing about the Six of Wands daily is that it is a card that really encourages taking the time to savour your achievements. Let's face it - quite often we move quickly from one project to another, barely noticing when we've finished. Pausing in appreciation is not only sensible but recommended.

With the Six of Wands daily tarot reading, ask yourself to do a quick overview of things you have accomplished, in the last month, in the last year. Make a list of everything, big and small, to get a real feel for how far you've come and all the things that you've overcome.
If you think back to childhood, markers are what helped to measure personal progress as well as the passage of time. The need for encouragement and celebration doesn't fade with age. We only learn to hide our need for it better.
So what have you learned, what have you conquered, in what can you declare victory?
And what are you going to do to celebrate?
After all, anticipating how to savour victory should be the fitting conclusion to any period of hard work.
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