Strength Daily Tarot Reading
January 3rd, 2011
The Strength daily tarot reading is like a kick in the pants to be honest about what you fear and where your courage comes from. Another beacon from the Major Arcana, Strength is as much . In each of us, there are tiny specks of both, that with a little energy and sweat equity, can be transformed into something limitless.
Miss L likes to use her daily tarot reading as a map for exploring part of the day. She draws the tarot card looking for a little nudge about what in her life needs some attention and TLC.
Having Strength in a daily tarot reading is a tap on the shoulder that attitudes concerning fear and mastery should be looked at.
What's the Strength daily tarot reading about? If you look at Strength, you are confronted with the seemingly impossible picture of a beautiful woman maintaining control over a large lion. Does she wield a gun or a whip? Is brute force the ruling factor?

Instead of this control being an offshoot of aggression, it instead trickles down from love. Love allows this woman to face her certain destruction and enables her to co-exist with it unscathed. Nice trick, that!
Have you ever been swimming and found yourself flailing against a fierce undertow? You can struggle with all your might but it is a force that is bigger and stronger than you and will always win.
Like that undertow, the maiden masters the lion because she has surrendered herself to all the forces of creation. In that way, she is one with the primordial energy and no longer has to prove her strength. In her love of the Divine, she simply assumes her place as mistress of this energy.
Strength's daily tarot reading asks if what you are afraid of is almost akin to asking what you struggle with. Is it possible to stop seeing these struggles as obstacles and love them instead?
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