Four of Wands: Daily Tarot Reading
January 2nd, 2011
The Four of Wands in a daily tarot reading gives the sense of support and contentment. Its imagery is that of success and stability, a majestic home replete with banners and laurels signifying a return.
The Four of Wands' daily tarot reading has a lot to do with the foundation that success is built upon.
The Four of Wands is a tarot card that just exudes security and comfort. Looking at the imagery of the well-appointed house and land decorated with laurels, the trappings of success are very apparent.
But is the Four of Wands as a daily tarot reading about the conclusion or the journey? Should we focus on the triumph of completion or the attitude and action that created it?

The symbolism of the number four is centred around the concept of order and regimented energy. With four, there aren't many surprises but there is a lot of organization and practice. It is about the process.
How does this apply to a daily tarot reading?
The Four of Wands' daily tarot reading reminds us that our focus and practice of working methodically are part of our current success. There is the subtle reminder that while we enjoy our wealth, to make sure to maintain the systems that provided it to us.
Above all, this daily tarot reading says that our current state of affairs is well deserved and to not be shy about sitting back and enjoying it. We have arrived home in honour and glory!
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